Mountain View Community Church
Pine/Featherville Idaho Community
2 Peter 3:18 CEV - Let the wonderful kindness and the understanding that come from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ help you to keep on growing

Sunday Services
Join us for our weekly Sunday service:
11:00 - 12:00
Community Outreach
Supporting the Local Community
In conjunction with the Local Food Bank and the Senior Center
We Pray for Pastors, Wives, Families and Communities within Village Missions
Volunteer Opportunities
Make a Difference; Help support the Senior Center on Tuesdays with a lunch for our local Seniors, need Volunteers for cleaning after lunch.
Event Schedule
Snowmobile Meeting
12/16/24 12:00
Game Night
12/20/24 @ 6pm
Christmas Party
12/13/24 6:00

Once a Month TBD

Every 3rd Friday of the Month
@ 6:00 we have a potluck and play games (cards, Dominoes, Farkle) Everyone Welcome

White Elephant gift exchange and Pot Luck, looking for some fun and fellowship, come to the Senior Center

Every Tuesday @ 12:00 to 1:00
We prepare a meal for our Local Community and senior Citizens by donation to help staff and help support the Senior/Community Center.
Mountain View Community Church is held at the Senior Center , 11:00 to 12:00 Every Sunday. We Volunteer at the Center to help support and run all events and fundraisers.
Our Pastor is Clayton Brown and wife Cindy
We support our Community by helping with our food Bank in Cooperation with the Idaho Food Bank. Open once every 3rd Monday of the Month


Our Mission and Values
Mountain View Community Church is a welcoming and inclusive place of worship dedicated to spreading the love and teachings of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to serve the community, foster spiritual growth, and provide support to those in need, nurturing faith and building a strong, connected church family. Come join us on this journey of faith and community.
What we Believe
The supernatural and plenary inspiration of the Scriptures - that they are inerrant and that their teaching and authority are absolute, supreme, final and complete;
The trinity of the Godhead - God, the Father; God, the Son; and God, the Holy Spirit;
The personality of God - the personality and deity of Jesus Christ, begotten of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, very God and very Man; the personality of the Holy Spirit;
The resurrection of Jesus Christ - that His body was raised from the dead according to the Scriptures, and that He ascended into Heaven and sitteth on the right hand of God as the believer's Advocate;
The sinfulness of man - that all human beings are born with a sinful nature, are totally depraved and need a Savior from sin;
The Atonement - that Jesus Christ became the sinner's sacrifice before God and died as the propitiation for the sins of the whole world;
The necessity of the new birth - salvation is by grace through faith and not of works; saving faith will maintain good works in the life of the believer;
The literal resurrection of the body, both of the just and of the unjust;
The everlasting blessedness of the saved, and the everlasting punishment of the lost;
The evangelization of the world - the supreme mission of the church in this age is to preach the gospel to every creature;
The second coming of Christ according to Scripture.
Our Pastor: Clayton & Cindy Brown